Q.  Are fairies, dragons, etc. real?  What are my chances of seeing one in Minnesota?

A.  I am not aware of any reports of fairies or dragons being sited in Minnesota.  Most sighting are in The United Kingdom.

Q.  Do you know of any academies that people know about that are real and a real wizard school that accepts people who would like to join if so can you give me the names or locations of those schools?

A.  Wizard schools have a different way of recruiting students than do Muggle schools. Just as with Harry Potter, Wizard schools find their students, the would-be student does not find the school.

Q.  I have heard that humans only use about 10 to 50% of their mine and that if you could tap into that other % of your mind you could discover that you do have powers.  Is this true?

A.  Yes this is true.  It has been said that Einstein only used 10% of his brain.  A lot of the New Age alternative healing practices are based on this idea of opening to the powers of the human mind.   There are some religious practices (in all major religions) that enable people do remarkable things.  In order to be open to using the undeveloped powers of the human mind, one must undertake a serious and  rigorous discipline.
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